PO Box 671 Dante, VA 24237 info@danteva.org 276-415-0150
Dante Ball Field
This is for the community of Dante, VA and surrounding areas to stay informed of meetings, events and news from the Dante Community Association.

Ballfield Cleanup

Mar 11, 2017 @ 12:00 pm

We would greatly appreciate the community’s help with one more cleanup at the ballfield. Our goal is to be fully operational by April. We have ongoing projects happening as time permits but we would like to get the community together for one more large group effort before April. We hope to see you there!

Event Venue

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    Dante Ball FieldThis is for the community of Dante, VA and surrounding areas to stay informed of meetings, events and news from the Dante Community Association.
  • About
    This is for the community of Dante, VA and surrounding areas to stay informed of meetings, events and news from the Dante Community Association.
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